Around the blog in Paris

A one-day conference is being organized in Paris on 11 October designed to introduce participants to communication tools complementary to blogs such as RSS, podcasting, videocasting and tracking/buzz measurement – all elements of participatory communication.

Set up as a series of informal roundtables, the event is being organized by Blogging Planet (the communication consultancy of which I am an alliance partner), with my fellow partner Guillaume Du Gardier leading the planning and event development.

The event will address how such new media tools can be applied to various business challenges. We think it’s time to talk about the next level of related tools and services which can really help blogs come alive for business.

Confirmed speakers to date are:

The cost of participation will be low, less than €100 – the event is being planned as an affordable framework for stimulating discussion and ideas, not as a money-making event. We have limited the number of places to 200 attendees, so if you’d like to participate, please pre-book your place now – details on the event wiki.

Everything will be announced in the wiki, so please stay tuned there. We hope to see you in Paris on 11 October!

5 thoughts on “Around the blog in Paris

  1. Around the blog in Paris

    I am just scanning through my daily feeds and saw this announcement on Nevon about this one day conference: Around the Blog, organised by Blogging Planet:Confirmed speakers to date are: Fergus Burns, CEO, Nooked Richard Treadway, CMO, PubSub Loïc Le Me…

  2. Around the Blog

    Un evenement autour du Blog se deroulera le 11 octobre 2005 a Paris. Cette conference sera axee sur les outils complementaires au blog et leurs applications dans le monde de l’entreprise.Les themes suivants seront abordes (…)
    Podcast et…

  3. Around the blog : Altaîde partenaire de la conférence.

    Blogging Planet (Guillaume du Gardier) organise à Paris une conférence événement le 11 Octobre pour présenter les outils complémentaires aux blogs: RSS, audio/podcasts, photos, video et buzz gestion du buzz…Altaïde, en lien avec ses activités de chas…

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