Movable Type 3.2 launched

After months of beta testing, Six Apart launched version 3.2 of its Movable Type blog publishing and management system yesterday.

Boasting a wide range of new and improved features, this version offers static or dynamic publishing; built-in support for multiple authors, blogs, categories, and templates; automatic archiving and publishing of XML feeds; and better platform support for almost any common operating system or database; and much more.

One of the new features that looks especially attractive is the commenter management capability which extends the simple listing of commenters with the commenter’s status (whether they were banned or approved), their name, a link to their TypeKey profile, and some simple tools to approve or ban the commenter:

[…] With the new version, we’ve retained all of this information, but radically improved its presentation and utility and added significant detail and context to the display. This information can help you to encourage positive contributions, reduce the impact of trolls or disruptive community members, and in general know more about the people who help keep your blog active.

I plan to upgrade to 3.2 as part of my MT experiment.

One thought on “Movable Type 3.2 launched

  1. Movable Type 3.2 released

    On Wednesday 8/24/05, after 6 months of beta testing, Six Apart released Movable Type 3.2 I’m sure some of you are questioning why I am even blogging about this…simple, from what I’m hearing it’s not as great as it was praised…

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