Let transparency enter your company

Before you next try and explain to your colleagues or your clients why they should pay attention to business blogging, read a terrific pitch from Loic Le Meur that sets out some of the key reasons.


[…] One of the reasons why you should open your own blogs is now to participate in this conversation, to have your own voice and let the transparency enter your company. We want to hear your project managers, the people who do research and your employees, not only the corporate message that your websites send, not only the voice of your management and your press releases. We want you to be just a click away. We want to give you suggestions on what you should do better and give you feedback, no need for panels anymore to get our feedback.

But not only read – you can also watch Loic in action (Quicktime, 5.1Mb).

As the guy who runs Six Apart in Europe, Loic should know a bit about this stuff, and he does.

Great thinking, Loic.

2 thoughts on “Let transparency enter your company

  1. That’s a major part of the entertainment, Loic ;))
    Seriously, though, I understand the story you’re telling and the way you tell it. Informal, conversational, plain speaking. And with Gallic charm!
    Just great.

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