If you’re in the communication business and haven’t visited Global PR Blog Week 2.0 yet, I urge you to rush over there right now and dive in to an outstanding professional development event.
We’re half-way through the week-long online conference and already there are some tremendous articles and papers for you to read and comment on if you wish, with more to come.
So if you want to grab the latest thinking on how new communication technologies such as weblogs, podcasting, RSS and wikis are changing public relations and business communication, this is the place to be.
All the material there really is very good indeed so picking out just five initial recommendations for your reading is tricky. Nevertheless, here goes with these five that I think are very much worth your time:
- Adding Your Voice to the Conversation: Why CEOs Should Blog by Jeneane Sessum
- Surprising Partners: Adding Blogs to an Existing Non-Profit Community by Nancy White and Lee Lefever
- Putting Wikis to Work for Your PR Program by Mike Manuel
- Best Practices in Online Media Relations: Utilizing Internet Newsrooms and RSS to deliver on Strategic Communications Objectives by Dee Rambeau and Chris Bechtel
- Beyond the press release: Building thought leadership through original programming podcasts by Eric Schwartzman – podcast interviews (MP3, 50Mb, 72 minutes) with David Joseph (Audible Inc), Ethan McCarty (IBM Strategic Communications) and Aaron Burcell (PodShow Inc)
I’ve contributed an article, too – The Influence of Voice: Podcasting Within the Organization
During this five-day event, more than 50 participants from Argentina, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States will publish 70 case studies, articles and podcast interviews on new communications technologies.
See the full programme and list of authors for more information.
Technorati: prblogweek
So Much Content, So Little Time
I agree with Neville, there is so much great content over at Global PR Blow Week 2.0, but little time to read it now. I am trying to read as many articles as I can, but a heavy workload and…