The prize for Skype

Writing in the Financial Times last week, Stuart Henshall has an interesting analysis of Skype’s call forwarding functionality and what that could mean for eBay and Skype users following eBay’s acquisition of Skype a few weeks ago:

[…] With call transfer, by contrast, the call can be answered and redirected to either another Skype account (free) or to a landline (at the transferer’s cost). On transfers, inbound callers will receive identity information on the person they are talking to. Call transfer enables interactive voice-response applications, effectively offering call centre functionality.

And because Skype call transfer functionality can bypass traditional private branch exchange networks, small companies can acquire enterprise-style communications systems for a pittance.

And imagine the ease with which the seller can direct details and similarly automate information content, such as allowing potential buyers to watch a video of the product free of charge via Skype.

Similarly, calls coming into an auction will have caller ID of potential buyers, feedback of buyers, and can concurrently provide additional information back, such as details of other auctions.

Paid sub required to read the complete FT article. Luckily, Stuart has it posted on Skype Journal.

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