In the last couple of editions of FIR: The Hobson & Holtz Report podcast, we’ve been going on about Waxmail, a very cool new tool for creating and sending voice email messages.
There are other apps out there but this is the easiest and simplest one to use that I’ve seen. I’ve been playing with it for the past week and it is very good indeed. Dead easy and really outstanding sound quality.
Works with Microsoft Outlook for Windows: you just run the installation and it adds a toolbar to Outlook that means you’re just a single click away from recording. You click and speak, and Waxmail automatically opens a new-mail window with your recording already in there as an attachment when you’re finished. It saves the recordings as MP3 files, so universal appeal.
One great use I can immediately see – a very simple and easy way to record and send quick audio comments to podcasters (like Shel and I – hint, hint). Just click, speak and send, that’s it.
There’s a free version and a pay version. The difference: the free one appends a line of ad text to every email. From the same Australian company who developed Skylook, the app for recording Skype conversations straight into Outlook.
If you try Waxmail out, you’ll see why Shel and I were going on about it. Heh! Waxing lyrical, so to speak 😉
That’s two products in a row — I love both Skylook and now WAXmail — just sooooo easy to send someone a quick audio comment for their own podcast!
Outlook Audio
Found a couple of cool tools for recording audio in Outlook.
Waxmail – Lets you easily record audio into an email and include it as an attachment.
Skylook – Integrates Skype into Outlook. You can also record and archive Skype calls with…