Interesting developments with video, blogs and mobile phones.
Videos of the panel sessions at Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris earlier this month are now available from, a new video publishing venture from entrepreneur Rodrigo Sepúlveda. You can stream the video (amazing quality) or download the files (big, +/- 200 megs each).
(Now’s your chance to relive, or see for the first time, the famous Mena and dotBen spat in high-quality video – wind forward to about 17:25 in this video.)
Vpod, or “video publishing on demand,” looks a very interesting concept. I’m finding it hard to find any detailed info about it, though. The bare-bones website via a Frappr group gives you an opportunity to sign up to test the offering, which I’ve now done.
One of the panelists in the podcasting/videocasting session I moderated at Les Blogs 2.0 was Gabe McIntyre, the man behind and the video bloggers forum. Amsterdam-based Gabe produces a regular video show and interviews some interesting people. Will this develop into a European Rocketboom?
There’s YouTube, a kind of Flickr-for-video concept, where anyone can upload video for anyone else to view. With this free service, you can blog the videos you take with your digital camera or mobile phone. This is a serious venture with financial backing from venture capital firm Sequoia Capital.
Finally, news via entrepreneur and Maxthon partner Netanel Jacobsson of a hot new video service for mobile phones from Samsung Mobile that will be launched on 24 December.
The service, called, has two primary offerings – short movies by up-and-coming directors to download for viewing on certain models of Samsung mobile phones, and interactive movies where you determine the storyline. Although it’s not yet been launched, the website is already live.
I agree with Net – this could be very big indeed:
[…] The success of iPod Video combined Video Podcasting is obviously spinning off to our mobile phones. And that’s easy to understand, video is hot, videos produced by users themselves is even hotter – and when all this will be possible on handsets with high-quality digital video cameras – enabling users to create their own films on the fly – upload and share them – this market is just going to explode. For what is more compelling? A Blog, a Podcast or a Videocast ?
Thanks for the ping! I am on the way to the gym – with my iPod and the latest edition of FIR!
I’ve been looking into video blogging too Neville, but finding very little info on it also. It’s quite frustrating as I wouldn’t mind experimenting with it a little.
Guess it shows how young the concept is.
Neville> thanks for the link, and the comments. Unfortunataly you are all left in the dark on purpose, until we launch our service early next year. Gabe ahs a pretty good interview of me on (also on my blog, where I give a bit more detail about what we are tryign to achieve.
Indeed, after podcasting, I should get you to start videoblogging, shouldn’t I ? 🙂
And the European rocketboom seems to be from Madrid, Spain, led by Anil de Mello.
In termms of videohosting services, the list is impressive, including,,,,, etc. I’ve counted more than 20. Revver’s got backing from Bessemer Ventures & S. Jurvetson.
Stephen> the concept is not new, the regular shows are about a year old on average, and the tools and services online about 6-8 months.
So that we’re all clear on who really did this work, the site was created and implemented by Margeotes Fertitta Powell and The Barbarian Group. Hyper Happen’s only involvement was to promote the thing.
When promoting work, it’s nice to give proper credit rather than “borrow” publicity for one’s own glory.
Steve, I see you posted the same comment on Net’s blog. I’ve read Net’s reply to you where it’s pretty clear neither he nor anyone else is trying to “borrow” anyone’s glory.
Thanks, Rodrigo. So remains under a cloak. Makes it seem all the more intriguing! Sitting by my email looking for a reply to my application to test…
Nev, Thanks for the link. I realise what netanial is saying by it’s hard to find out ways to get started. I’m am currently working on a complete revise of the website that will be launching on January 1st. It will have links to all the main video podcast directories, services, tools, and include tips, a daily blog, weekly vlog, interviews, and more. We will also be working with the NODE 101 group to teach video podcasting, vlogging and podcasting in the Netherlands to start, and the rest if europe showrtly afterwards. I hope that helps.
Very interesting developments, Gabe. So checking in on Jan 1 😉
Nev, thank you for your supporting comments. I believe that 2006 will be the year of Video Podcasting. Gabe, will also check in on Jan 1 ;).