“Displax developed by Edigma combines rear projection holographic screens with finger tracking to bring interactive storefront displays to retailers and various commercial applications. Displax® – Interactive Window allows human interaction in a shop window, with multimedia applications, emission and record of sounds, detection of human presence in front of the display, etc.”
Not exactly hot news as this product came to market in 2004 from the Portuguese company Edigma. But cool technology that you can just see soon making its way into the High Street.
The photo’s hot, though.
(Via Marketingfacts.nl)
This is brilliant! As a child, I used to watch Star Trek (the original series!) every Friday night on tv. I used to dream all of this would one day be real. I’m not saying we will be boldly going where no man has gone before in this lifetime, but some things that were then still sci fi are now becoming real, apparently…