How to be an internet millionaire

Million Dollar Home PageDaily Telegraph: A student who hoped to graduate without debt by setting up a website offering internet advertising space has made £519,000 in only four months. Alex Tew, 21, a first-year business management student at Nottingham University, said he hoped to achieve his aim of making a million dollars – £578,000 – early in the New Year. “I thought I might make a few grand but I’ve made a fortune,” he said. “It’s been a crazy adventure.”

This is the story of the MillionDollarHomePage, an internet site Tew set up where you can buy advertising space at $1 per pixel.

As of today, Tew has sold 990,000 pixels. Now he’s auctioning the final 1,000 pixels on eBay. Bids close on 11 January.

Does he really need a business management degree?

One thought on “How to be an internet millionaire

  1. I’m a member of a UK business forum and used to be on there quite a lot until I discovered blogging.
    I can remember when he first set it up and he posted a thread asking what people thought of it. Take a look:
    There’s one or two people with a sceptic view in the beginning, but as it starts to take off, more people realise what a great idea it is!
    Wish I had thought of it!

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