- Downloads overtake traditional single sales
- Dutch government has declared 2006 “Year of the e-Citizen Charter”
- Gates sees IBM not Google as top Microsoft rival
- IBM Takes the Cash out of Venture Capital
- Inquisitor Rocks my Socks
- Introducing Our New Gadget Blog
- Is this thing on?
- Microsoft Defends Censoring Blog in China
- Microsoft officially now released the WMF security patch early!
- New cat family tree revealed
- Our only serious competitor is IBM, says Gates
- Pfizer Uses ID Tags to Ship Viagra
- Podtech gets Intel’s CEO on podcast
- RIM legal woes jumpstart wireless e-mail alternatives
- Sony Reader targets book lovers
- The agonies of too much choice
- Web 2.0 Label Lacks Meaning, Magic
- Which is the most innovative country in Europe?
- Zencasts; The New Podcasts?
- Ziff-Davis offers nifty blogger relations tool
(Post quickly created from RSS feeds in FeedDemon.)