Blog Spring cleaning and a fresh start

Sitting around a table in Copenhagen on Saturday in informal conversation with an eclectic bunch of communicators who are also bloggers has produced an additional benefit for me – the catalyst for a decision on what to do about my still-planned move from this TypePad blog to WordPress.

I’ve decided to start over with a brand new WordPress blog, leaving this one on TypePad as the record of my blogging experience (and existence), thoughts and conversations here since July 2004. The domain will stay here, too, so that no links will break – the major show-stopper so far that’s prevented the move. Actually, I’ve been totally hung up about that for the past three months. Apache redirects, htaccess files, Technorati ratings, etc… Too many headaches.

It’s more than just concerns about links and ratings, though. This blog has become bloated. The categories no longer really reflect how I see the relationships between what I write here and what people join in conversation about. The design is too clunky now, at least to my eye. Too many badges and graphical whizz-bangs. I want to do things here that I can’t with my TypePad service level. I also have a big confidence gap with TypePad after the latest service screw-up. And the name of this blog: NevOn. That seemed fine when I first started blogging back in 2002, but it doesn’t really reflect how I see me on the web in 2006.

While I’ll still be writing about that intersection where business, communication and technology meet – with a stronger focus on where those things collide – I’ll be starting afresh with a different domain which I’ve had for some time yet not used for anything (that domain currently redirects to my existing WP experiment which I’ll archive once the new blog is up and running).

What accelerated this train of thought about making a fresh start was after I read Stowe Boyd‘s post a couple of weeks ago on starting from zero and his subsequent progress.

So a Spring clean for moving house very soon to rebuild and rebrand. Yep, that’ll be me, too.