- Amazon to Broadcast Weekly Internet Show
- And now, News – We’re taking Google News out of beta! (Krishna Bharat/Official Google Blog)
- Apple iTunes users growing fast
- BlackBerry Gets Google Talk and Google Local
- Business communications: RSS vs. E-mail
- CNET News.com for Jan 23, 2006: Is Blackberry on the brink?
- Drug Companies’ Bad Case of PR
- Ebay beats estimates but fails to dispel gloom
- Good Publicity: The Economist takes a look at the public relations industry
- Harder-to-Detect Oracle Rootkit on the Way
- How to Foil Search Engine Snoops
- HP outlines long-term strategy
- Microsoft TechED Europe 2006 in Amsterdam cancelled, evolving to 2 events in Barcelona
- New Adobe Software Turns 3D Images Into PDFs
- Oracle details post-merger plans
- Pixar buyout for $7 billion
- Press Releases Versus RSS Feeds
- Some European mobile users ready to ditch landlines
- The Digital Lifestyle Day in Munich rocks !
- Yahoo hires top internet scientist
(Post quickly created from RSS feeds in FeedDemon.)