It’s often a good idea to just click on things on a website as you might discover something new.
That’s what happened this morning on the IABC website as I was reviewing information there about the 2006 International Conference which takes place in Vancouver in June (I’m speaking at that event; a post about it soon).
In the Updates section on the home page, there’s a link to the new IABC News Centre, a media resource with the latest news and information about IABC’s programmes and leaders (it says).
The new resource uses PR Newswire’s MediaRoom tool, providing a dedicated section with detailed information such as contact details, news releases, photos, logos, backgrounders, bios, white papers, etc. All the things journalists – and interetsed IABC members – need to get that accurate and rounded picture of what IABC is and what it does.
This is a very long overdue, and very welcome, addition to the IABC website which itself was relaunched in October. Finally a dedicated place to get the news and information about IABC and its activities. The News Centre is being managed by IABC headquarters staffer Joseph Ugalde, who’s in charge of marketing and communication for the association. Yesterday’s official press release here.
The best news, though, is that the site offers six RSS feeds where you can sign up to get all press releases and information including about the International Conference, the Gold Quill Awards and the IABC Foundation.
No more hunting and pecking for accurate news (the old info page really was dreadful).
I sense the hand of some willing and skilled member volunteers as part of making the News Centre happen especially Shel Holtz, my podcasting partner, who in one of our recent shows (can’t recall which) alluded to some new things coming soon to the IABC website.
Great move, IABC.
[Technorati: iabc]
Hey, you’re coming to my hometown! I look forward to reading your upcoming post about the speaking gig for IABC in Vancouver.
Hi Laura. I’ve heard Vancouver is a cool place! This will be my first visit there.
If you’ll be participating in the IABC conference, I’ll look forward to meeting you.