Communicators’ views on BloggerCon

Good commentaries about BloggerCon III from Australian PR practitioner Trevor Cook who was there, with some focused thinking on what it all means from the business, PR and general communication perspectives. (What’s BloggerCon?)

Also, a very good commentary on the ‘blogger newbies’ session by Rebecca MacKinnon, a recovering TV reporter-turned-blogger (great description!) in the US, who led the discussions. Rebecca’s post includes answers to questions such as: Why do people blog? and, What do users want? Rebecca’s session summary:

Blogs are a communication tool. You must first have something you want to communicate, and know who you want to communicate it to. Blogging takes work. It won’t change your life or your organization or your colleagues magically with no work. That said, many organizations could benefit tremendously from using blogs (and RSS) to enhance what they do.  It remains difficult to convince many blog-skeptics or overworked people. Confusion and frustration about tools is sometimes a reason. That said, blogging is now starting to gain enough public attention that more people are curious about it and more receptive than ever. This is a great time to bring blogging to newbies.