One European PR blog I pay attention to is Media Culpa, written by Swedish PR practitioner Hans Kullin.
Hans is the PR blogging beacon on what’s going on in Sweden (and, at times, in Norway and other Nordic countries), and judging from his posts in recent weeks, there’s lots going on there.
For example:
- Swedish MacWorld RSS-enabled – also Computer Sweden and other IDG sites.
- Swedish Radio goes RSS – 33 RSS webfeeds. Han’s list also includes 80 more feeds from media in Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland as well as Sweden.
- A constructive blog debate – there’s hope for the Swedish blogosphere, Hans says.
- Blogging the Swedish Parliament – an MP has introduced a bill that the webpage of the Swedish Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) should be equipped with a blogging function in order to develop and improve the information on the webpage.
- Norwegian PR agencies see growth in lobbying – results of a survey from Norwegian PR association.
If you want to know what’s happening in Sweden, add Media Culpa to your blogroll.