Following statistics on growth of the blogosphere that I posted about yesterday comes more info from Technorati, this time on the sheer volume of blog posts.
According to Technorati CEO David Sifry:
With the tremendous growth in the number of weblogs also comes an increase in the number of posts per day, also known as posting volume. This is an excellent proxy for the amount of time spent on blogging, because greater posting frequency means that more people are posting more often, and it also tends to validate the increased number of blogs that are out there.
As of October 6, 2004, there are approximately 400,000 posts created every day in the blogosphere, which averages out to about 4.6 posts per second, or over 16,000 posts per hour.
In his blog post, Sifry also comments on political events influencing the number of posts and events like the Kryptonite bicycle lock fiasco, widely commented on in blogs and mainstream media across North America.
Sifry’s Alerts | Oct 2004 State of the Blogosphere: 4.6 posts per second