Sign up for virtual workshop for bloggers

If you would like to participate in a workshop for bloggers and those who read blogs, and contribute commentary (and essays if you wish), let Shelley Powers at Burningbird know.

Shelley’s behind the IT Kitchen which takes place from Monday 25 October until Friday 5 November.

It would be especially great to get as many business bloggers from Europe involved as possible. That way, we can keep things balanced and not have it totally dominated by our blogging colleagues and friends in the US 🙂

Here’s how Shelley sees it:

The clinic will start on a Monday and continue until Friday, the following week. Each day we’ll feature a different topic which forms the basis of the essays contributed that day. There will be different weblogging tools installed to meet people’s preferences, and an online aggregation of the different posts to one specific page. So if you want your weblogging tool installed, just volunteer to write an essay on any of the days, and we’ll install it (unless there are licensing issues associated with the tool and the tool vendor won’t waive licensing for this effort).

In conjunction with the weblog postings, I’m setting up a Wiki for Weblogging, which splits each topic into sub-topics on separate pages. The sub-topic could be from a specific question a person has, and needs more detailed information; or it could be specific categories that others want to address. On the day that the topic is released, people are encouraged to basically swarm the topic and sub-topics for that day, and add or edit the information. They can also, of course, add and edit information for the previous days’ writings, too.

During the clinic, we’ll also have an IRC channel to facilitate realtime conversations, and forums for those who prefer a more linear conversation.

Those who love photography will be asked to contribute photos to be used for the background on all of the pages, and those with design skills will hopefully volunteer to help design one or more pages.

By the end of the clinic, the writings from the weblogs will be grouped into a nice downloadable format and released online. If there is enough interest, the weblogs will be kept alive, for additional contributions over time, or as training tools for those who want to learn more about the tools. The Wiki for Webloggers will definitely be kept alive, and we can only hope, flourish with the same energy that has fed the role model for this effort, the Wikipedia. The same can be said for the IRC and the forums.

This is a great initiative. I’ve volunteered to contribute an essay on ethics.

See the post on Shelley’s blog for more info.

Burningbird | Volunteer for Kitchen Duty

One thought on “Sign up for virtual workshop for bloggers

  1. Volunteer bloggers rewards !

    Shelley Powers is organizing a two weeks workshop on blogging starting October 25th and ending November 5th, 2004 : The IT Kitchen. This is a really serious initiative with the aim of raising awareness around the blogosphere and especially for

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