Little gems for customizing Windows

RSS really is an effective way to quickly find out about things. Thinking about the Windows look and feel – as you do from time to time – and just glancing through my RSS feeds this lunchtime turned up these two litle gems:

Speaking about customizing Windows, I’ve been using a range of products from Stardock for some years that lets me choose a wholly different look and feel for my Windows installation. Among the apps I run are WindowBlinds (which lets you skin title bars, push buttons, the Start button, toolbar icons, radio buttons, progress animations and nearly every other part of the Windows GUI), Windows FX and the very cool Mac-like icon dock, ObjectDock (which I call the legal successor to the great Y’z Dock that was forced to shut down by Apple last year).

Yesterday, Stardock released WindowBlinds version 4.4. If you want real control over how your Windows looks, it’s worth taking a look at it. You can download a trial version.