There are so many neat things out there in the wide web world that add functionality to a website or blog and make it look rather cool as well. Many are free yet represent a considerable amount of time and energy to develop.
I came across something today that is well done in its implementation – a clock. There are plenty of these around, but I was struck (pun unintended) by the simplicity of the one I found at, which I discovered on the blog of Johnnie Moore, a facilitator and consultant in London.
Clocklink’s clocks are either analog or digital. I’ve chosen a digital one, shown at the top right of the screen, as I think it fits best with the design and layout of my blog. Plenty of customization options, eg, time zone, city, colours, etc.
The clock is rather like a widget (it’s actually an embedded Macromedia Flash application) that you just code into a web or blog page. Easy to do.
[Update 1-Aug-04: I wrote this post originally in my blog on Blog*Spot, and did have the clock displayed. I don’t currently have it in this blog on Typepad.]