Stardock for a cool-looking PC

I love tweaking the look-and-feel of Windows on my PC. Why stick with the the standard XP look when you can create your own custom look using skins and great tools like WindowBlinds, which I’ve been using for some years. Not that I’ve got anything against Microsoft – I don’t, I think they make great software (now there’s a controversial view to some!).

WindowBlinds is made by Stardock, a small-ish company from Michigan, USA. They create more great software. My next favourite is ObjectDock, an animated taskbar that reacts when you move your mouse over it. If you’ve seen the similar thing on a Mac computer, you’ll know what I mean. This program is free. This week, Stardock launched ObjectDock Plus, a $20 enhanced version that lets you create multiple taskbars. It’s very good, although still in beta with all that comes with an unfinished program.

Tools like these enhance your experience with your PC. Does it make you a better person because of it? Probably not, but you have more fun with your PC.