Content summary: Show 100 wish; The Sunderland experience; listeners’ comments; new free RSS and wiki tools; angry AOL bloggers push boycotts; blocking bots from stealing content; Google’s new head of communications in Europe and other developments; Eric Schwartzman’s Spinfluencer report; join the FIR community; upcoming interviews and book reviews; and more.
Show notes for November 21, 2005
Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, an 83-minute conversation recorded live from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Concord, California, USA.
Download the file here (MP3, 34MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need a podcatcher such as the free Juice (formerly known as iPodder), DopplerRadio, iTunes or Yahoo! Podcasts, or an RSS aggregator that supports podcasts such as FeedDemon).
In this Edition:
- 00:29 Neville introduces the show; what the show’s about; where to send comments; show notes
- 02:08 We’re just 13 episodes shy of our 100th show; here’s what we’d like
- 04:30 Neville discusses the conference at which he spoke at the University of Sunderland
- 11:44 Blogging progresses in the UK
- 12:30 Sunderland conference participants didn’t claim their bosses were actively opposing new media channels
Listeners’ comments discussion:
- 16:52 We have comments from every one of our comment channels.
- 17:19 Sallie Goetsch hassles Shel some more about how he characterized his vacation
- 20:59 Dan York calls the comment line from the US/Canada border crossing to discuss, Frappr, and FeedBurner.
- 23:07 Howard Harawitz sends an email to talk about his growing understanding of PR (thanks to listening to FIR)
- 25:07 FeedDigest and Schtuff
- 36:00 AOL bloggers upset about ads on their paid blogs
- 40:07 A tool called Botsense to keep bots from sucking your blog’s bandwidth and stealing your content
- 45:21 Google hires a European PR chief and opens new offices in the UK
- 48:37 Google’s book rental proposal
- 51:38 Update on Google Analytics
- 51:55 Brief discussion of Google Base
- 55:25 Andy Lark gives us a shoutout and Shel idents the show
- 55:58 A report from The Spinfluencer, Eric Schwartzman from the Portable Media Expo and Podcasting Conference in Ontario, California, USA
- 60:04 Eric interviews Portable Media Expo and Podcasting Conference co-founder Tim Bourquin
- 60:40 Eric interviews "Podcasting Solutions" authors and podcasters Dan Klass and Michael Geoghegan
- 61:25 Eric interviews Paul Figgiani
- 62:52 Eric discusses the California Copyright Commission dinner he attended where music rights and podcasting were the subject of discussion
- 64:51 Shel and Neville riff on Eric’s report, beginning with a discussion of advertising in podcasts
- 65:48 TiVo to allow subscribers to copy recorded shows to the iPod video and the Sony PSP
- 66:36 More discussion of music copyright issues
- 67:12 A bit of talk about podcasting demographics
- 70:51 Ragan Communications selling recorded teleseminars on an iPod
- 71:49 Neville will be in Strasbourg on Thursday; Shel will record from his Mom’s house (he’s there for Thanksgiving); programming notes
- 72:59 Update on Frappr contributions
- 75:47 You can download a copy of the FIR logo and promote FIR on your site!
- 76:19 Where FIR stands in the Podcast Alley rankings
- 78:09 Where to send comments
- 79:06 Today’s music: Walk Away by Love Spirals via the Podsafe Music Network
Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show are now posted to the FIR Show Links pages at The New PR Wiki. You can contribute – see the home page for info.
If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at, or call the Comment Line at +1 206 222 2803. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.
So, until Thursday November 24…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)