CNET News: A growing number of American chief executives rate blogs high as employee communication tools, though a majority of them remain skeptical about starting their own, a new study shows. About 59 percent of CEOs surveyed said they find Web logs, or blogs, useful for internal communications, while 47 percent see them as tools for communication with external audiences, according to a study conducted by PRWeek and Burson-Marsteller.
Of the 131 CEOs surveyed, CNET reports, 7 percent are actually blogging while many others say they are unlikely to start a blog themselves. About 18 percent of these CEOs say they plan to host a company blog over the next two years.
This is the part in CNET’s report that is most telling – the survey indicates that chief executives see blogs as useful for communicating new ideas and news, providing an informal channel of communication and getting instant feedback.
That’s certainly one of the ways to see the value and potential benefits of how blogs can be effective communication tools.
While the survey results are encouraging, in of themselves, I don’t think we can pop the champagne just yet. Given the information channel I suspect that these 131 CEOs are predominantly from the tech sector and probably are more forward thinking and innovative than the average bear.
Now, if these CEOs were steering some of the Fortune 500, and there was a dose of manufacturing and service involved then THAT would be impressive.
I couldn’t agree more, Craig.
Yet, while I haven’t seen the detailed survey results, it is a highly positive indicator that provides a good balance to counter some of the alarmist stuff recently (eg, the Forbes attack piece).
Sorry, but I have a whole lot of problems with this so-called important survey — its silly methods, the obvious commercial agendas behind it, and mostly the mostly uncritical way that PR bloggers are repeating all of this stuff because it’s what they want to hear.
I wrote about it at
CEOs are considering using blogs
A recent CEO survey conducted by PRWeek and others claims that American CEOs are considering to use blogs as an internal communication channel