Ok, Phil, I saw your tag, so here goes…
Four Jobs I’ve Had
- Barman (yeah, everyone’s done this one)
- TV ad voice-over provider (that was fun!)
- Yellow Pages ad salesman in the Middle East (which earned me enough to buy a TransAm)
- A typical corporate PR suit (note: definitely a previous life)
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
- Star Wars III
- Star Wars IV
- Star Wars V
- Star Wars VI
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch
- 24
- CSI Miami
- Judge John Deed
- Charmed
Four Places I’ve Been to on Holiday
- Costa Rica
- South Beach, Florida
- Padstow, Cornwall
- Spain
Four Favorite Dishes
- Roast beef and Yorkshire tortillas
- Pasta and just about anything
- Gallo pinto
- Steaks and atmosphere as served in De Zagerij, Amsterdam
Four Websites I Visit Daily
I don’t visit any websites daily but I read RSS feeds. Top 4 daily essential feeds:
- Financial Times
- Headlines from PR Weblogs
- Tech Memeorandum
Four Places I’d Rather Be
- Barcelona (for the culture mix and terrific restaurants)
- New Zealand (because I’ve never been)
- Costa Rica (it’s just a fabulous country and it’s warm)
- California (and I’ll be there next month)
Four Bloggers I am Tagging
[Technorati: four things]
Have you tried Megite, at http://www.megite.com. It is a memeorandum like service.
Matt, you’re the third person to suggest Megite to me this past week. Ah, I see you *are* Megite. Heh!
Ok, I’ve subscribed to the feed!
OK then, here you go, a manual trackback: