On Thursday, I travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the 50th anniversary conference of FEIEA, the federation of European business communicators’ associations.
My role was to make a presentation on new media communication channels (blogs, RSS, etc) and participatory communication as a constituent part of FEIEA’s theme for this first day of their 2-day conference, which was focused on the future of communication. One point I was keen to make was that everything I spoke about was to do with the here and now even though to many of the conference participants, it looked like the future.
Over 50 communicators from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK were at the conference. I met some great people and heard some great presentations, especially by Dominique Wolton, director of the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique, France’s national research institute, on information, communication and scientific challenges.
There was also a very interesting case study by Stanislas Haquet of Angie Communications and Nathalie Guerin of PSA Peugeot Citroen on how the French car maker uses electronic print production systems for multiple sites and multiple publications.
I have a PDF version of my presentation “The New Media Ecosystem: Conversations, Influence and You.” Feel free to download it (5Mb) and let me know if you have any questions or comments. I hope you find it helpful.
(One of the troubles with PDFs of presentations is that you get the slides but none of the conversation. So I’m planning to make a Camtasia screencast of what I mean by ‘new media ecosystem’ and how organizations should embrace it as a natural evolution of participatory communication. As for when that will be, the best I can say at the moment is ‘soon.’)
Neville – Nice deck. Thanks for sharing. I particularly enjoyed slides 37-38 stating what the ecosystem is and is NOT. Camtasia sounds interesting. I recently posted a ppt file with rough speaker notes. You can also create the pdf with this information, but it still leaves out the “in person” dimension of course.
Thanks for sharing this well-done slide deck. Sounds like an interesting event. What kind of feedback did you receive about what you presented?
P.S. Purely FYI, I was going somewhere where I would have a few minutes to wait and so I tried to print the PDF file to bring with me. It may be due to the large graphic images at the beginning, but the presentation was just taking forever to print (and eventually I cancelled the print). No big deal… I just thought I’d mention it. I also upgraded Acrobat but haven’t yet rebooted (which it asked me to do), so there may be an issue with Acrobat on my machine right now.
Guys, sorry for my very tardy response to your comments.
Kevin, Camtasia is very good, worth using for screencasts. If you’ve seen any of the excellent ones John Udell does, he uses Camtasia.
Dan, I had quite a few questions afterwards, mostly about podcasting. I can see that begining to attract a lot of business interest now in The Netherlands.
Re printing the PDF, it could be your version of Acrobat. I printed it just fine with the Reader I have, version 7.02. (I’m still on 5.05 of Acrobat itself; can’t see any compelling reason to upgrade.)