I’ve been subscribed to IBM’s investor relations podcast series "IBM and The Future of..." since IBM started this series last August.
Eleven podcasts so far, each one providing a worthwhile learning experience on wide-ranging topics relating to society, business and technology.
The latest one, IBM and The Future of Privacy, is a great example of how any organization can use this medium to address what might seem to be a pretty dry subject in a way that captures and holds a listener’s attention. Engages the listener, in other words.
From the broad communication point of view, this series also demonstrates how podcasting can subtly reinforce a company’s credibility and authority about the subject being addressed. And it doesn’t matter how big or small the company is – you don’t need to be a global corporation like IBM to realize the benefits from podcasting.
Not only that, it enhances one’s overall perceptive view of that company and how it gives you another choice of getting hold of information and opinion in a way that gives you additional insight into the company and some of its people.
If the podcast is also one element among other open and connected communication channels – as is the case with IBM – then you have another good foundation for building sustainable relationships with your audiences (who then become participants).
Worth subscribing to.
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- IBM starts investor-focused podcasts
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