BMW podcasts from Frankfurt Motor Show

On Wednesday, I wrote about BMW inviting some bloggers to the Frankfurt Motor Show.

Today news that BMW is podcasting from the show in English and German.

The introductory podcast says BMW will be presenting a series of podcasts during the show which runs until 25 September. So far, I’ve received nearly a dozen separate English-language podcasts in the RSS feed I subscribed to. Each one is between five and ten minutes in length, and include interviews with key executives and new car launches such as the BMW Z4 coupe.

BMW certainly have leaped into the podcasting arena in a big way with this podcast series. From listening to a couple of the podcasts it’s clear that BMW have carefully thought through and planned their approach to communication with this medium. Professionally done but not slick – key to credibility. Plus the podcast pages on the website give clear explanations about podcasting with links to download various podcatchers.

Although I could find no announcement on any BMW website, BMW’s use of podcasting must be complementary to their overall motor show marketing communication and PR, illustrating how perfectly the medium can fit into such traditional plans. I did notice links to the podcasts at various places in the BMW Germany site.

Also, the motor show blog I mentioned in my post on Wednesday (IAA Blog) has a small sidebar note saying that the IAA podcast will start in a few days.

Are there still any doubting Thomases out there who continue to say that business podcasting is just a fad and a passing one at that? Wakey wakey!

2 thoughts on “BMW podcasts from Frankfurt Motor Show

  1. BMW podcastet von der IAA

    Zum ersten Mal hat BMW während der IAA 2005 (Internationale Automobil Ausstellung) in Frankfurt täglich einen Podcastproduziert und veröffentlicht. Zum Abspielen dient ein eigener Podcast-Player, der Macromedia Flash benötigt. Professionell gem…

  2. Retail customer issues – again

    I’ve been wondering why, after the intergalactic growth of this medium, the retail sector remains virtually silent about its forays into customer conversations. Blog logic would dictate Big Retail will be dragged into this whether it likes it or not….

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