FIR Interview: Gerry Murray, President IABC Belgium – September 14, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 47-minute conversation with Gerry Murray, President of IABC Belgium, and a management and communication consultant. Topics discussed include: development plans for IABC Belgium, the new Chapter website and new President’s blog, the challenges in engaging members throughout Europe, professional development opportunities for IABC members.

About our conversation partner:

Gerry Murray runs The Wide Agency, an international management and communications consultancy based in Belgium. The Wide Agency focuses on effective communication through strategy creation, project management, content provision and coaching.

Prior to that he spent nine years at the world headquarters of DHL, the express logistics company, holding a variety of roles in marketing, strategic planning, investor relations and corporate communications. His early commercial experience was gained in sales and marketing management in the publishing industry.

Gerry was elected President of IABC Belgium in July 2005 and blogs at The Captain’s Log. Previously he held the position of the Chapter’s Communications Chair.

An Irish national, he has a BA in French & Linguistics from University College Dublin, an MBA from Manchester Business School and holds the status of Chartered Marketer from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK.

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Interview Segment Time Points:

  • 00:26 Neville introduces the interview
  • 03:33 Gerry outlines his background: what he did and what he does today
  • 07:13 Review of IABC Belgium and its development in recent years
  • 09:54 IABC Belgium celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2006
  • 11:10 The Captain’s Log and the new Chapter website
  • 22:41 Gerry: "We have an obligation as an association to be exploring new things"
  • 23:05: A series of events planned called ‘disruptive communicators’ looking at how new things add value to the communication process
  • 25:01 Gerry: "How can we use podcasting to preview events?"
  • 27:02 Getting involved at the Region level: Chapter development and relations, developing a Job Bank
  • 31:50 Helping developing-Chapters use the web
  • 34:19 European Leadership Institute meetings
  • 37:18 The challenges in engaging members throughout Europe
  • 38:56 Eurocomm – a tailor-made professional development event for communicators in Europe
  • 44:00 Conversation wrap up
  • 45:03 About this podcast and where to find For Immediate Release.

Links for the individuals and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the conversation:

Gerry Murray, IABC, IABC Belgium, IABC Europe Middle East Region, DHL, Lyndon Hrytzak, The Captain’s Log, Elizabeth MacDonald, Anton Rath, IABC Cafe, Sam Rowe, Movable Type, Shel Holtz, Top 10 New Technologies for Internal Communicators, Barbara Gibson, Kristen Sukalac, IABC UK, IABC France, IABC Russia, IABC Switzerland, IABC Scandinavia, John Egan, IABC Ireland, European Leadership Institute meeting in Berlin, Eurocomm, Rob Kuijpers, SN Brussels Airlines.

Podsafe intro music – On A Podcast Instrumental Mix (MP3, 5Mb) by Cruisebox.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)