The first Podcast Awards contest closes tomorrow, 31 July. For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, the bi-weekly show that Shel Holtz and I co-host, is a finalist for Best Business Podcast.
Contest organizer Todd Cochrane says that the contest site has seen over 640,000 unique page loads so far and voting in the hundreds of thousands. This is quite a competition.
Shel and I would really love to win our category! Thanks to everyone who has told us they’ve voted for FIR. And if you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time…
May the best men win. I’ve voted for you guys … you deserve it!
Thanks Alex. Coming from a pretty cool business podcaster as you are, that’s especially welcome news!
We’ll hear the results from Todd tomorrow!
Neville – I voted for your podcast. Best of luck!
Kevin, thanks, we appreciate your support!