At just over six minutes long, Doc Searls made his first podcast yesterday. Just music and some informal chit-chat including with his little helper (listen and you’ll hear).
Why is he doing this? Here’s what Doc says about three and a half minutes into the ‘cast:
I have to start podcasting, this is really what it comes down to. It just has to be done…
That’s a good enought reason!
I found some great value from it – he describes what hardware he’s using to make the podcast. Helpful, Doc, thanks.
How can you do this?
I saw this, Neville, but I couldn’t find the RSS feed to subscribe to it. Did you?
Shel, there wasn’t a feed earlier but there is now for posts and comments. Trouble is, neither FeedDemon nor NewsGator can find the feed even if I give them both the precise feed URL. Doesn’t work with Firefox’ Livebookmark feature either.
I’ve dropped Doc a note.