Forrester Research evaluating corporate blogging solutions

Charlene Li: My definition of a blogging solution is a software or service that enables the online publication and management of a blog. At a minimum, the solution should allow the user to set up a Web page, write posts, and manage them. Blog support services like FeedBurner or aggregators like NewsGator don’t fall into this category.

Forrester Research analyst Charlene is looking for comment, opinion and suggestions for an evaluation/review of blogging software and services specifically targeted at corporate solutions.

She’d like to know what you have to say to these questions:

  1. What features and functionality are most important to you when selecting a corporate blogging solution?
  2. What corporate blogging solutions did you/are you considering?
  3. Why did these solutions make it on to your short list?
  4. And in the end, why did you pick your solution over the others?

Read her post for more details and how to give your input.