Accountants can blog, too

Blogs present many business benefits to accountants, according to The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

In the June issue of the Journal of Accountancy Online, AICPA’s journal, a feature entitled Would You, Could you, Should You Blog? gives a good overview of blogs and their business potential.

Most of the reasoning in the feature would apply to any business, large or small. But author Eva M. Lang has done a pretty good job in focusing the story precisely to this publication’s target audience – accountants.

For instance:

How Can Blogs Benefit CPAs?
Lawyers have quickly adopted blogs, but what does this tool offer accountants, relative novices to the medium? Blogs can help CPAs enhance the marketing and knowledge management functions of their firms.

The feature includes concise reviews of the major blogging tools and services, case studies of successful accountant-bloggers plus lists and links of quite a few others with blogs.

If you’re an accountant and are thinking about blogs, this well-written article is a good place to start for relevant information.

(Hat tip: Ken Leebow)