Let the IABC conference blogging begin!

Probably the best professional development and networking event for business communicators, anywhere in the world, begins tomorrow 26 June in Washington, DC.

It’s the IABC international conference, the annual get-together for hundreds of communicators from around the world.

This year’s 4-day event is special from two perspectives – first, it’s IABC’s 35th anniversary year; and second, it will be the first ever IABC event which will be blogged.

Incoming 2005-2006 chairman Warren Bickford – he’ll be confirmed as chairman at the AGM during the conference – has assembled a dozen members into the IABC CafĂ© International Conference Coffee Press Corps.

This pioneering group of member-bloggers will be blogging in the IABC Cafe about sessions, events, whatever takes their fancy. In addition, roving blogger Charles Pizzo will be adding additional contributions – and maybe a podcast or two. And undoubtedly any member attending who’s already a blogger will be adding commentaries to his or her own blog (so if everyone uses the Technorati tag, below, that IABC has created, it will make all posts easily discoverable).

So whether you’re at the conference or not, the IABC Cafe looks like it will be a great place to hang out in during the coming week.

[ Technorati tag: ]

[UPDATE 28 June] The Technorati tag just hasn’t worked. Note just now from Shel who’s at the conference: we had the incorrect code (with hyphens: should be spaces or the plus sign). Now fixed – if you now click on the tag link above, you’ll see all the posts.

One thought on “Let the IABC conference blogging begin!

  1. 12 bloggers doing a conference-blog!

    Wow that’s a lot! 12 bloggers doing liveblogging on the IABC Conference 2005 (International Association of Business Communicators). Yes, Neville Hobson is one of them. I think a great opportunity to see how these communicators are doing with the bloggi…

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