The last post at NevOn

From today, I won’t be posting here at NevOn any longer. This blog now becomes an archive, the place of record, of my writings and conversations since July 2004.

I’ve moved to a new home, a place where I hope we can continue those conversations. That place is

If you subscribe to the NevOn FeedBurner RSS feed, your subscription should continue seamlessly for the new blog. If you subscibe via any other means, you’ll need to manually update your subscription. Here the link to the new feed:

So I’d like to welcome you to, my new home on the internet.

I’ll be doing some housekeeping and tidying-up here during the coming days as I continue afresh at the new place. Look forward to seeing you there!

[Update 22 March] A little bit of reorganizing here. Main thing – changed commenting to require TypeKey sign-in first. Why? It’s the only way I can think of to try and stop the constant stream of spam I see in the comment moderation queue. As TypePad doesn’t let me switch off commenting for archive posts except manually per post –  site-wide switch-off is not an option: imagine having to manually change each of nearly 1,500 posts – this is the next-best thing. Can’t do much about spam trackbacks to archives, though.

6 thoughts on “The last post at NevOn

  1. Goodbye, Nev. I’ll miss your blogging here… But, of course, I’ll also move along the new site, which I must say, looks really good. Good luck with it!

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