Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on being talked about at the New York geek dinner, sound clip joke, URL misdirecting to Microsoft home page, making PR accessible, podcasts and Podscope); what Paris Hilton could have done with her podcast; the occasional conflict between corporate communications and marketing; political podcast interviews at the UK general election; retrofitting blogs and podcasts into communication strategies; how to measure internal communication; Rocketboom and attitude.
Show notes for May 9, 2005
Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 66-minute conversation recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Download the file here (MP3, 26.5MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need software such as the FeedDemon RSS aggregator, or the free ipodder or DopplerRadio).
In this edition:
- 00:30 Shel introduces the show; how to give your feedback; show notes
- 01:39 Upcoming interviews – Mark Elbertse, CEO, Tulip Computers on Wednesday 11 May; Peter Clifton, Editor, BBC News Online, finalizing the date for late May
- 03:40 Blog post comments and emails from Rob at PodcastNYC, Nicole Simon, Dan York, Daniel Cornwall, Josh Hallett
Discussion on listeners’ audio comments:
- 07:25 Jay Vorhees – what Paris Hilton could have done with her podcast; when media like blogs and podcasts are appropriate; experimentation vs. strategic planning; employee benefits communication
- 22:45 Alex Bellinger – the occasional conflict between corporate communications and marketing, open source marketing and word of mouth; political podcast interviews in the UK general election; a trend towards narrowcast interviews
- 35:06 Shel loves Rocketboom! Covering news and interviews with attitude such as Robert Scoble and Cinco de Mayo; a potential tool for use in organizational communication
- 42:02 Lee Hopkins‘ Report from Australia – retrofitting blogs and podcasting into a communication strategy; how do you measure internal communication apart from focus groups?
- 59:18 Neville outros the show; how to give your feedback; listeners’ comments drive show content; show notes; Wednesday interview; about the music and the band; outro music
Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:
Intro – Mark Elbertse, Tulip Computers, Peter Clifton, BBC News, Rob at PodcastNYC, New York geek dinner, Steve Rubel, BL Ochman, Robert Scoble, Dave Winer, Nicole Simon, Dan York, Microsoft, Firefox, Daniel Cornwall, Josh Hallett, BlogNashville, David Tebbutt, Podscope, TiVo, Whole Wheat Radio, Philly Feed, 24.
Listeners’ audio comments discussion – Jay Vorhees, Paris Hilton, Chris Thilik, House of Wax, Dawn & Drew, Adam Curry, Catholic Insider, Warner Bros, Peter Jackson, King Kong fan site, GM FastLane Blog, Paul Sanchez (PDF), Mercer, Alex Bellinger, SmallBizPod, Johnnie Moore, James Cherkoff, Wired, Jeremy Pepper, Shel Israel, Engadget, Bill Gates, Ron Shewchuk.
Features – Rocketboom, MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, Countdown, Vlog It!, ANT, Serious Magic, Visual Communicator, Lee Hopkins, FeedForAll, Blogger, TypePad, Movable Type, WordPress, Boeing blog, Corporate Conversations, Angela Sinickas, Tudor Williams.
Outro –, Juerg Jost, Creative Commons, Loose Control, For Immediate Release, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.
If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at, or call the Comment Line at +1 206 984 0931. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.
So, until Thursday May 12…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)
Thanks for ‘discussing’ the issue of not being able to reach the right point in a podcast. I guess the outcome was predictable since that’s what you do.
I just haven’t got time to listen to all the stuff I’m not interested in and I’m not clever enough to fast forward to the bits I am interested in. So, I don’t listen.
To liken it to tivo is a bit disingenuous because if it’s video (I presume it is, I’m in the UK) you can at least see where you are. Much more difficult with sound.
Perhaps some of your listeners can tell me how they cope. Do they listen to the entire podcast, regardless of their interest in particular segments?
Of course, if you survey listeners to podcasts, they’re going to say ‘no problem’. How about finding and surveying ex-listeners?