Disintermediating the news

A thoughtful article on Friday by Richard Sambrook, director of global news at the BBC, on how the internet is disintermediating news:

[…] News organisations do not own the news any more. They can validate information, analyse it, explain it, and they can help the public find what they need to know. But they no longer control or decide what the public know. It is a major restructuring of the relationship between public and media. But it will affect politics and policy as well.

People can now address politicians directly, and politicians can reach the public without going through the media any more. Public discourse is becoming unmediated.

[…] The availability of information and the pressure for transparency is raising new political issues which we have not had to confront before.

[…] The information revolution is in its earliest stages. But it has the potential to alter the dynamics of public debate, and the interaction between politics, media and the public, beyond recognition.

Interesting aside – Sambrook wrote a blog with his thoughts and opinions about the News Xchange conference for broadcasters last November in Amsterdam, focusing on citizen journalism.

BBC News | How the net is transforming news

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