Volkswagen monitors auto industry trends with blog tool

Techdirt has published a case study on how they have worked with the Electronic Research Lab of car maker Volkswagen to provide them with a customized, private blog of news and analysis concerning a variety of technologies and trends that impact the automotive industry.

VW need to stay on top of all kinds of new technologies from around the world, Techdirt says, and are always looking for what’s happening in the technology world and how it may impact what they do today and in the future.

Techdirt’s solution provides Volkswagen with this:

Working with the ERL, Techdirt’s analysts developed a customized KnowledgeAnalyzer solution to meet the lab’s specific needs. Every week, Techdirt’s analysts scour thousands of information sources, monitoring trends as they develop in areas of importance to VW. Techdirt provides the ERL with information and analysis about new technological breakthroughs, lab and market research, along with information about the adoption of new technologies and new companies, all provided in the convenient "blog" format.

Read the case study for the details including what VW says the benefits are.