Domain mapping headaches

Last weekend, I set up domain mapping for my blogs and photo albums on TypePad. It means, for instance, that the address for this blog will be and not (although the current one will still continue to work).

Both of these work right now because the new address was set up a while ago for domain forwarding. So if you type in that address, you will arrive here at

However, getting domain mapping to work properly is proving to be a real headache. I activated it on this blog last Wednesday, with extremely unexpected results (and which produced emails from four readers asking what was going on with the blog), so quickly de-activated it.

Stylesheet, DNS settings… Something in there isn’t right. So it’s back once more to TypePad support and to the support team at my domain host, GoDaddy.

I’ve documented my experiences over on NevOn Experimental, my other blog. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to solve this little problem, I’d really appreciate hearing them. Thanks.

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