For the past couple of years, I’ve subscribed to the Microsoft PressPass email newsletter which lets me know on a regular basis the top stories published in the press area of Microsoft’s website.
I’ve unsubscribed now – one less email in the overall inbox clutter! – because PressPass now offers an RSS feed for those top stories. In addition, PressPass has just introduced an RSS feed for Microsoft press releases. Visit the PressPass RSS page to subscribe to these feeds.
These are very good examples of how RSS can be used as a simple tool for day-to-day PR needs. Intel, for example, has offered their press releases and a wide range of other information via RSS for some time. Many smaller companies are also getting into RSS – see what new companies like Nooked offer, for example, in RSS services from the corporate communication viewpoint.
RSS really is a no-brainer from the PR point of view.
Microsoft press releases via RSS
(Via Neville Hobson) This great post has links to Microsoft Press RSS Page Intel Press RSS Page…
Today’s PR and Marketing Links
Nice post from NevOn about Microsoft offering an RSS feed of its press releases. Expect we will see more and more companies following suit in the coming months. As he says, it is a no-brainer. Great article from USC Annenberg
Microsoft Press Releases Go RSS
Neville Hobson notes that Microsoft press releases are now available via RSS.
Microsoft PressPass ook met RSS
Microsoft PressPass gaat ook met RSS werken. Het gaat om de Corporate Pressrelases (rss-feed) en de Top Stories (rss-feed). De complete lijst met Microsoft RSS feeds vind je hier. Dit zijn de meer technische info van MSDN. Intel had al
Microsoft PressPass ook met RSS
Microsoft PressPass gaat ook met RSS werken. Het gaat om de Corporate Pressrelases (rss-feed) en de Top Stories (rss-feed). De complete lijst met Microsoft RSS feeds vind je hier. Dit zijn de meer technische info van MSDN. Intel had al