Blogging from Napa

My input to this blog will be a bit different (and probably a bit erratic) during the rest of this week as I will be at the New Communications Forum 2005 event in Napa, California, from later today.

This is going to be a terrific time to gather with a group of like-minded communication folk – many of whom I know because of business blogging and most of whom I’ll actually be meeting face-to-face for the first time – to discuss and share thinking about organizational communication and how tools like blogs, wikis and RSS fit in.

Shel and I are also planning to do a special Hobson and Holtz Report podcast or two from the conference, with some on-the-spot interviews. Yesterday, we did this week’s show (see the show notes) which is online for download (or subscribe to the RSS feed to get each show automatically).

So, different blogging habits this week. Stay tuned!