PeopleSoft job seekers try eBay

After a team of in-house creatives was displaced following Oracle’s acquisition of PeopleSoft, the group turned to eBay to try and find work, a report by Fast Company says. Not as individual job seekers, however, but as a complete team.

According to a post on AdFreak, AdWeek’s blog, the team wanted to continue working together, and so they decided to auction themselves off on eBay:

Take advantage of recent merger and acquisition activity in the technology sector. Their loss, your gain. An award-winning, clear-thinking, bottom-line-focused creative services organization is now immediately available to rock your bottom line. We are a creative team that’s ready to plug and play. Today.

A great example of different thinking, when you do whatever it takes to find a way to earn your living.

Related: hundreds of displaced PeopleSoft employees have signed up to LinkedIn, the business-social network, in recent weeks. See PeopleSoft employee David Sohigan’s blog for details and other information helpful to PeopleSoft ex-employees looking for work.

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