Tsunami help wiki for broadcasters launched

Launched yesterday – Broadcasters-Tsunamihelp, a new wiki-based portal that aims to ensure there is coordination between broadcasters and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the wake of the Asian tsunami disaster:

This site attempts to get an overview of how various organisations around the world have reacted to help broadcasters affected by the December 26th Earthquake and Tsunami. There is the immediate need to replace stations put off the air. But also longer term thinking about the role of broadcasters in times of natural disaster.

The authors believe by sharing this information on a portal, that broadcasters will be stimulated to coordinate their efforts.

Fellow Netherlands-based business blogger Jonathan Marks is the architect behind the portal, with tech setup by Ton Zijlstra. It’s part of a much larger global public (non-profit) effort to ensure better communications between NGOs, governments and, now, broadcasters. It’s already generating a lot of traffic, Jonathan says.

The larger global effort Jonathan mentions is the Indian Ocean Disaster Relief Portal, a wiki maintained by the creators of The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog.

This is a great initiative at a time when news and information outside the affected tsunami disaster area is beginning to disappear from the front pages. It’s also another great example of a key role new communication tools like wikis (and blogs) can play in helping maintain channels of communication – as well as help others maintain their channels of communication – in times of tragedy.

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