New FeedDemon beta released

Beta 2 of FeedDemon 2, the RSS aggregator for Windows, was released this week. If you’ve been testing FD’s development versions since release 1.5, this latest beta is worth getting.

I’ve just installed it and the first thing I notice is how much faster the application seems to be overall compared to beta 1. The release notes outline a long list of additions, changes and fixes since that first beta.


5 thoughts on “New FeedDemon beta released

  1. FeedDemon is definitely my reader of choice – I depend on the watches and news bins .
    But I’ve now started reading all my “must read” feeds in IE7 and use FeedDemon for the hundreds of others that I subscribe and monitor but don’t actually always read.

  2. I’m the opposite, Stuart. Or rather, entirely different! I use FD for must-read reading as I can manipulate feed data in a variety of ways.
    For instance, I can sort, change views, see all content or just brief; I can email a feed, one-click blog it; I can perform accurate and very quick searches; I can import and export OPML content on the fly. Many other things.
    One feature I haven’t really used until now is the ability to sync FD with Newsgator Online. That’s next!

  3. Stuart, I’m one of those getting the msfeed error when trying to install IE7. Microsoft’s response: Wait for the next version of the beta. I haven’t yet had a chance to see feeds in action in Explorer. Disappointing.

  4. Neville – I agree on FeedDemon’s indispensibility, and like you I use it as my number 1 feed reader. The sync with NewsGator works really well – much more with Beta 2 than 1, where feeds sometimes went missing. I’d get registered now while it is still free for FeedDemon owners!

  5. Shel, that’s the prime reason why I’ve not yet tried to install IE7 beta yet.
    Dave, I registered for NewsGator Online when FD 1.6 beta came out last year, but never really used it. About to now, though.

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