IBM enters the fray as Microsoft launches new search tools

CNET News: IBM is building software it hopes will make it the Google of corporate-search technology. Big Blue has been quietly working on data storage software designed to greatly improve the ability of companies to find business documents scattered across their networks, Janet Perna, the general manager of IBM’s information management group, told CNET

CNET News | Can IBM be a Google for businesses?

So much going on with search! I’ve commented previously on the wide range of choices there are now for finding stuff. You actually don’t care where it is, you just want to find it.

Now Microsoft has jumped in in a big way with the beta launch late yesterday of the MSN Toolbar Suite, an integrated search offering that includes four toolbars where you can conduct searches – one in Internet Explorer, another for Microsoft Outlook, a third in Windows Explorer and a fourth launched from the Windows taskbar.

I downloaded the beta last night. One thing I noticed – and tried out – immediately is that the IE toolbar includes a ‘Blog this in MSN Spaces’ button. So if you have a blog on Microsoft’s new MSN Spaces blogging service, it’s a one-click easy way to blog. Worked perfectly when I tried it.

Undoubtedly there will be lots of commentary and reviews in the coming days. I’ll post some comments once I’ve had a chance to try it out.

Oh, one other thing – when I installed MSN Toolbar Suite, I forgot I already had Copernic Desktop Search running. No install issues, but the MSN product started indexing, as you’d expect, just as Copernic was doing its indexing (I had that on the ‘aggressive’ setting). Again, no issues, but you should have seen  – and heard – the hard disk thrashing! So I just have one running at the moment, the MSN product.