Back in Amsterdam after spending the Christmas break with family and friends in the UK, and my first post is concerned only with the deepening tragedy in Asia following Sunday’s earthquake and resulting tsunamis. This has been widely reported just about everywhere. The best online reporting I’ve seen is on the BBC News site – […]
Category: Asia tsunami disaster
The tragedy really begins to unfold
Reviewing my various RSS feeds, I’m literally taken aback by the sheer volume of commentaries about the Asia earthquake/tsunamis disaster by bloggers. One feed in particular captured my imagination – first-hand accounts by Evelyn Rodriguez in Crossroads Dispatches. Evelyn was in Thailand on holiday and was caught up (and injured) in the tsunami there. She […]
Many European tourists dead and missing in Thailand
There is simply no escaping thinking and writing about the awful earthquake/tsunamis tragedy in Asia. Reading a BBC News report just now that focuses on probable casualties among foreign tourists especially from Europe which speaks of “Hundreds of tourists from northern Europe and Scandinavia are among the missing and dead following the Indian Ocean sea […]
Tsunami help campaign
Om Malik is doing a great service in promoting an easy way you can find out how to contribute your help to the victims of the earthquake/tsunamis tragedy in Asia: I have been getting a lot of email from folks wondering how to help the victims of the tsunami-earthquake tragedy that has taken place in […]
Companies pledge aid as death toll rises
Apple is the most prominent company I’ve seen so far in its open and very public support for the earthquake/tsunamis disaster in Asia last Sunday. As the screenshot above shows, the company has given over its corporate website home page to stating its commitment and support for victims plus links to sites you can go […]
A dark New Year’s Eve
They’ve got this right. From a detailed Reuters report this New Year’s Eve: BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) – Aircraft, naval vessels and trucks struggled Friday to deliver aid around stricken southern Asia as the death toll passed more than 124,000 from a tsunami that darkened the world’s New Year. A dark New Year’s Eve indeed. […]
Blogs can help keep the awareness alive
This morning, I was reading Evelyn Rodriguez’ latest posts in Crossroads Dispatches following her safe return home. Evelyn was caught up (and injured) in the Asia earthquake/tsunamis disaster and blogged about what she saw and experienced. One of Evelyn’s posts in particular has provoked some thoughts. In a post entitled A Tsunami Survivor’s Perspective: The […]
BlogAid pledge to support the Asia disaster
UK blogger Andy Budd has come up with an outstanding initiative to focus the support of bloggers in a very tangible way on the Asia earthquake/tsunamis disaster. Andy has started BlogAid, bascially a pledge service – you go to the BlogAid site and publicly make a commitment: Help support the Tsunami and Earthquake relief efforts […]
Bloggers without borders
Via Loic le Meur, I’ve just seen Bloggers without Borders, launched last week: Bloggers without Borders is a citizen journalism hub, dedictated to raising conscience for, and about, events around the world. We use the tools and exposure of modern citizen journalism as a means to lend a hand in the creation of awareness and […]
The comforting hand of a loved one
Marketing blogger (and fellow IABC member) Angelo Fernando has converted his blog, Hoi Polloi, into a resource for focusing and helping relief efforts from Arizona, where Angelo lives, to Sri Lanka following last week’s tsunami disaster in south Asia: I began this blog, Hoi Polloi, as a MarCom and PR exercise nearly 8 months ago. […]
10,000 tourists still missing
Ten days after the Indian Ocean tsunami, Western governments are still struggling to produce precise figures for their missing citizens, BBC News reported today. The death toll among foreigners currently stands at 396, the BBC said, with about 10,000 tourists missing or feared dead. Germans account for the highest number of victims among tourists so […]
A catalyst for the future of blogs
A very good analysis in the Guardian newsblog on the role blogs have played in the Asia tsunami disaster and the long-term catalyzing effect this will have on the significance of blogs in the future: The tsunami may have a profound effect on blogs. These self-published sites have played a huge role in the telling […]
Holland gives for tsunami relief
News about fundraising efforts for victims of the the tsunami disaster tends to be focused on what’s happening in countries like the US, the UK, Australia, Japan, the EU as a whole, etc. Donations have been pouring in from governments and individuals – the UN says it has received up to $4 billion in pledges […]
The agony for Sweden continues
While pledges for financial aid continue to mount in the aftermath of the Asian earthquake and tsunami two weeks ago, the nightmare continues for millions of people in South Asia whose lives have been destroyed by this tragedy. The same is true in a wholly different way for the families of the thousands of foreign […]
Watch out for tsunami relief email scams
The millions of dollars donated by individuals to relief efforts in Southeast Asia have brought criminals and scammers out of the woodwork, US government agencies and private anti-fraud groups warned last week, reported. Internetworld quotes Jim Lanford, the co-editor of in an online alert, saying, “Within hours of the earthquake and tsunami, scams […]
Tsunami help wiki for broadcasters launched
Launched yesterday – Broadcasters-Tsunamihelp, a new wiki-based portal that aims to ensure there is coordination between broadcasters and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the wake of the Asian tsunami disaster: This site attempts to get an overview of how various organisations around the world have reacted to help broadcasters affected by the December 26th Earthquake and […]
BlogAid wrap up for tsunami aid
At the beginning of January, I made a pledge via BlogAid that I’d donate any earnings from this blog that I make in January from my Amazon Associates membership to the Dutch Red Cross tsunami relief programme. A notice yesterday on the BlogAid website says: BlogAid is now over so I’d like to take this […]