This could be me someday -> How to Sell Anything on EBay…and Make A Fortune! I’m currently reading My Life,’ Bill Clinton’s memoirs. So far, I’m with Bill when he had graduated and went to Washington. It’s all a bit heavy going, to be honest, but broadly enjoyable for a politician’s bio.
Category: Books
Amazon and Good Business (Reading)
As a regular customer of, I decided to add some Amazon advertising to this blog, which you can see if you scroll down the page. I’ve not gone overboard with loads of graphics and overtly plugging product for sale, just highlighted some business reading with a particular focus on topics surrounding corporate communication. Amazon has […]
Bootstrapping a business the smart way
Five new manifestos are available today from ChangeThis, including a real gem – The Bootstrapper’s Bible by entrepreneur Seth Godin. From the introduction to the 103-page PDF e-book: Bootstrappers run billion-dollar companies, nonprofit organizations, and start-ups in their basements. A bootstrapper is determined to build a business that pays for itself every day. In many […]
A bevy of books on blogging
The Red Couch isn’t the only new book in the works on blogging. There are quite a few! Jeremy Wright has compiled a list and some comments about what each title plans to cover, which you can read in Jeremy’s post. Here’s the list: Robert Scoble and Shel Israel are doing one called The Red […]
Two star offerings from ChangeThis
A new selection of manifestos from ChangeThis is available on free download from today. Among the six new ones, I immediately downloaded two in particular which really are good and worth time in reading: The Hughtrain by Hugh McLeod. Liberally sprinkled with Hugh’s wicked gapingvoid cartoons: “You’ve read The Cluetrain, now Hugh McLeod brings you […]
Always present with passion
In taking a quiet break from working on the PowerPoint presentation I’ll be using in my workshop at the New Communications Forum 2005 next week, I was reading the Financial Times online when I came to an article by FT columnist Jonathan Guthrie yesterday entitled Don’t be seduced by PowerPoint (paid subscription-only access). Guthrie says: […]
The Red Couch gains traction
Things are beginning to move with The Red Couch, the collaborative work on producing what could be the definitive business book on why companies should blog, by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. This is no ordinary business book project: Most of this project is being executed in the public eye, via The Red Couch blogsite. […]
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Jeremy Wright Interview – January 27, 2005
Welcome to a the second Special Edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report, a 30-minute conversation with Jeremy Wright recorded live at the New Communications Forum 2005 in Napa, California, USA, on January 27, 2005. A high-profile business blogger, Jeremy authors the Ensight blog and is now focused on building his new venture, Inside Blogging. […]
Hewitt’s blog book: A helpful resource for business
While I was away at the New Communications Forum 2005 last week, a package arrived from Amazon with my copy of Hugh Hewitt’s new book on blogging, published on 13 January. With the rather lengthy title Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your World, this 256-page hardcover book is the first of the bevy […]
Enabling happiness and productivity
Among the latest batch of new manifestos available yesterday from ChangeThis is this great one – How To Manage Smart People by Scott Berkun. A manager for nine years at Microsoft, Berkun draws on some of his experiences there in this 18-page PDF to provide a wide range of practical tips and tricks on managing […]
Why every company should blog
I’ve just been reading the drafts of the four interviews that Shel Israel posted in the past few days on The Red Couch, the blog that’s the focal point for developing the book on blogs that Shel and Robert Scoble are writing. Those interviews are with Jonathan Schwartz, COO of Sun Microsystems; Bob Lutz, Vice […]
On The Red Couch
If you’ve been following developments on The Red Couch, the place where Shel Israel and Robert Scoble are developing the content for their book on blogging, you’ll have seen some great interviews posted there in recent weeks. Those interviews form part of the content of the book’s first four chapters (there was a full table […]
Book review podcast: Todd Cochrane’s Podcasting
A few weeks ago, I received the copy of Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide by Todd Cochrane that I’d ordered from Amazon UK. As a business podcaster myself and a regular listener to Todd’s podcast, Geek News Central, I wondered how Todd’s book on podcasting would address the topic. Well, he’s done an excellent […]
The multi-billion dollar Harry Potter phenomenon
Visiting the news shop in my local neighbourhood this lunchtime, I noticed the new Harry Potter book on display in the window. Heh! ‘Noticed’ isn’t the word – this display took up the whole window area. Other displays inside the shop as well with copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princeeverywhere you looked. Today […]
Blogging books on sale
Congratulations to Shel Israel and Robert Scoble for getting Naked Conversations out the door (their door, that is) and available now for pre-ordering from Amazon. Congrats equally to Jeremy Wright for completing his book, Blog Marketing, also available on pre-order from Amazon. Each book will be available in January 2006 and December this year, respectively. […]
Book review podcast – “Podcast Solutions, The Complete Guide to Podcasting”
We get books. They come in the mail sent by authors, agents, and publishers who hope we’ll review them. Some of these books warrant our attention, so we’ll be reviewing them here as brief podcasts. In the first of these reviews, Shel takes a 17:30-minute look at the excellent “Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to […]
Naked Conversations is a cracking read
Earlier in the week, I received a copy of the galley proofs of Naked Conversations, the business blogging book by Shel Israel and Robert Scoble, due to hit the bookstore shelves next January. I’d actually imaged ‘galley proofs’ to be a set of individual pages or printouts complete with a guide on the symbols and […]
‘Blog Marketing’ is out now
A big package arrived in the post today from McGraw-Hill – a copy of Blog Marketing by Jeremy Wright. I’ve talked to Jeremy quite a bit about his book during his preparation of it, and we discussed the book during the For Immediate Release podcast interview I did with Jeremy in August. So I sort […]
FIR Book Review: “Naked Conversations”
In this edition of For Immediate Release book reviews, Neville and Shel discuss "Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers," the new book on blogging and businesses by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, to be published in January 2006. The Book: "With a foreword by Tom Peters, author of such […]
Book, blook and podcasts
Here’s a neat idea – post the chapters of your book to your blog (sound familiar?) and record each chapter as a podcast. The book in question is An Historic Murder Mystery set in the Internet Bubble and Rubble, a novel by Tom Evslin, who started posting chapters last September under a Creative Commons […]