A subject I’ve posted about before is that of the inadequacies of copyright laws in this age of instant copy-and-paste and relying on decades (if not centuries) old geographical-based laws to help you protect your intellectual property rights. So it was with keen interest I read Copyright for the digital age on the BBC News […]
Category: Communication
Can you blog when serving on a jury?
Josh Hallett in Florida might be conducting an interesting experiment – blogging on jury duty. In a series of short posts on Monday, Josh gives a point-by-point commentary of his thoughts and impressions about his jury selection process. Laptops weren’t allowed, Josh says – so he blogged via his Blackberry. And in his final quick […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #78: October 20, 2005
Content summary: Splogs and Blogspot, questionable observations from IABC’s Canada conference, an intimidating panel, a new publisher lawsuit against Google, LA Podcasters’ Freeway Series, Dan York’s contribution, a fake Harriet Miers blog, two blogging studies, listener comments, and more. Show notes for October 20, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, […]
The here and now of participatory communication
On Thursday, I travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the 50th anniversary conference of FEIEA, the federation of European business communicators’ associations. My role was to make a presentation on new media communication channels (blogs, RSS, etc) and participatory communication as a constituent part of FEIEA’s theme for this first day of their 2-day […]
One stop for earnings call transcripts
One of the blogs I find of great informational value is The Internet Stock Blog (“news and analysis of Internet stocks, no buy or sell recommendations,” it says in its masthead). Recently, the blog started including a most useful new service – full transcripts of some of the most popular companies’ earnings conference calls. What’s […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #79: October 24, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (podcast artwork and iTunes; fake blogs; ‘sprawlopolis’; Blogger.com and Captcha; how to measure podcast listenership; what’s "The Giant Global Focus Group" at IABC EuroComm?); The Spinfluencer interviews Heather Green; Neville guests on Britcaster podcast #3; anonymous Publix employee blog vanishes; measuring blog effectiveness; Guidewire responds to blog survey criticisms; PRSA […]
FIR Interview – Jonathan Mast and Aidan Hagood – October 24, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 24-minute conversation with Jonathan Mast and Aidan Hagood. Jonathan is a senior communications specialist with Sedgwick Claims Management Services; Aidan is the communications department admin. Together, they host “QuickCast,” arguably the first completely internal podcast. Download the conversation here (MP3, 9MB), or sign […]
Les Blogs 2.0 will change the way you think
If you’re planning to join the more than 120 people already signed up to participate in Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris on 5-6 December, get clear in your mind right now that this will be no ordinary conference: A New World is here Don’t you feel the rules and our world are changing ? Don’t […]
Video presentation on PR and the blogosphere
In mid October, I participated in a session at the Emerce eDay conference in Amsterdam entitled Public Relations in the Blogosphere. The session comprised two presentations followed by a panel discussion. The two presentations were made by Scott Rafer and I, and were video recorded. That video is now online and you can view it […]
FIR Speakers and Speeches: October 26, 2005 – CPRF Critical Issues Forum
In our second special audio file, we offer up a panel discussion presented on Wednesday, October 26, 2005, in New York City, hosted by the Council of Public Relations Firms at its Critical Issues Forum 2005. The panel was titled, “Straddling the Fault in a Shifting Media Landscape: New Roles for PR.” CPRF described the […]
New editor asks for opinions
In taking up his new role next month as editor of The Guardian Technology supplement, freelance journalist Charles Arthur is doing something quite smart – asking readers for their opinions on how he should shape the newspaper under his editorship. Terrific use of a blog by a journalist as an ‘engagement engine’ with a newspaper’s […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #80: October 27, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (creating a reverse thesaurus; what’s in a name: ‘business continuity planning’; more on hearing about blogs; Libsyn glitches with podcast downloads); Yahoo RSS white paper; faux research from Advertising Age; the use of blogs during labour disputes; TypePad has service problems from rapid growth; OpenOffice 2.0 is out; Waxmail for […]
A new call for ethics in PR
PR Week reports on a call to action by the newly-appointed president of the International Communications Consultancy Organization, Fleishman-Hillard executive V-P John Saunders: Following on from an impassioned speech at last week’s Prague global summit, where his presidency was announced, he told PRWeek: ‘This is no longer the golden age of PR. We will need […]
BBC innovation to annotate audio content
The BBC is involved in some major innovation for audio-visual content management that looks far beyond the needs of only a mainstream broadcaster. Tom Coates writes a detailed post describing the BBC’s Annotatable Audio Project, an experimental internal-BBC-only project designed to allow you to collectively describe, segment and annotate audio in a Wikipedia-style fashion. He […]
Understanding Web 2.0
This afternoon, I was in a Skype discussion with an old friend in the UK and part of our conversation strayed into a discussion about Web 2.0. My friend thinks it’s just meaningless marketing hype and similar to all the talk that we heard in the late 90s dot-com era (or Web 1.0, as I […]
TypePad and the art of patience
Probably similar to every TypePad customer, I received an email over the weekend from Six Apart CEO Barak Berkowitz with more commentary on what Six Apart is doing to sort out the service issues arising from TypePad’s growing pains. It’s good communication to customers and does give you a better sense of the scale of […]
Smart advice for PRs engaging with bloggers
In an article published online today, PR Week gives some sound advice to PR professionals on how to engage and work with bloggers. The article includes some excellent quotes from some in the PR profession. Two examples: Sarah Bresee, account executive, OutCast Communications: “I think that a lot of people are afraid of blogs in […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #81: October 31, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion; launch interview with Jen McClure of Society for New Communciations Research; Forbes magazine attacks blogs; minding the conversation gap; Lee Hopkins report. Show notes for October 31, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, an 86-minute conversation recorded live from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Concord, California, […]
IABC conference blog launched
Today The Plenary Panel Weblog launched. This new blog is designed to be a place for commentary and discussion about the theme of the panel discussion that will kick off the first day, 1 December, of the IABC EuroComm 2005 conference taking place in Paris from 30 November to 2 December. The theme for the […]
The easiest way to record and email voice messages
In the last couple of editions of FIR: The Hobson & Holtz Report podcast, we’ve been going on about Waxmail, a very cool new tool for creating and sending voice email messages. There are other apps out there but this is the easiest and simplest one to use that I’ve seen. I’ve been playing with […]