Can you blog when serving on a jury?

Josh Hallett in Florida might be conducting an interesting experiment – blogging on jury duty. In a series of short posts on Monday, Josh gives a point-by-point commentary of his thoughts and impressions about his jury selection process. Laptops weren’t allowed, Josh says – so he blogged via his Blackberry. And in his final quick […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #78: October 20, 2005

Content summary: Splogs and Blogspot, questionable observations from IABC’s Canada conference, an intimidating panel, a new publisher lawsuit against Google, LA Podcasters’ Freeway Series, Dan York’s contribution, a fake Harriet Miers blog, two blogging studies, listener comments, and more. Show notes for October 20, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, […]

The here and now of participatory communication

On Thursday, I travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the 50th anniversary conference of FEIEA, the federation of European business communicators’ associations. My role was to make a presentation on new media communication channels (blogs, RSS, etc) and participatory communication as a constituent part of FEIEA’s theme for this first day of their 2-day […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #79: October 24, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (podcast artwork and iTunes; fake blogs; ‘sprawlopolis’; and Captcha; how to measure podcast listenership; what’s "The Giant Global Focus Group" at IABC EuroComm?); The Spinfluencer interviews Heather Green; Neville guests on Britcaster podcast #3; anonymous Publix employee blog vanishes; measuring blog effectiveness; Guidewire responds to blog survey criticisms; PRSA […]

FIR Interview – Jonathan Mast and Aidan Hagood – October 24, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 24-minute conversation with Jonathan Mast and Aidan Hagood. Jonathan is a senior communications specialist with Sedgwick Claims Management Services; Aidan is the communications department admin. Together, they host “QuickCast,” arguably the first completely internal podcast. Download the conversation here (MP3, 9MB), or sign […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #80: October 27, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (creating a reverse thesaurus; what’s in a name: ‘business continuity planning’; more on hearing about blogs; Libsyn glitches with podcast downloads); Yahoo RSS white paper; faux research from Advertising Age; the use of blogs during labour disputes; TypePad has service problems from rapid growth; OpenOffice 2.0 is out; Waxmail for […]

A new call for ethics in PR

PR Week reports on a call to action by the newly-appointed president of the International Communications Consultancy Organization, Fleishman-Hillard executive V-P John Saunders: Following on from an impassioned speech at last week’s Prague global summit, where his presidency was announced, he told PRWeek: ‘This is no longer the golden age of PR. We will need […]

BBC innovation to annotate audio content

The BBC is involved in some major innovation for audio-visual content management that looks far beyond the needs of only a mainstream broadcaster. Tom Coates writes a detailed post describing the BBC’s Annotatable Audio Project, an experimental internal-BBC-only project designed to allow you to collectively describe, segment and annotate audio in a Wikipedia-style fashion. He […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #81: October 31, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion; launch interview with Jen McClure of Society for New Communciations Research; Forbes magazine attacks blogs; minding the conversation gap; Lee Hopkins report. Show notes for October 31, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, an 86-minute conversation recorded live from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Concord, California, […]