Doom 3 soon!

Hold the front page! Following the great news that Doom 3 will be out in early August comes news that a demo will soon be available for download. More here – WORTHPLAYING – – All about games !

Doom 3 leaked over p2p networks

Highly-anticipated first-person blast-’em-up Doom 3 has already been released by piracy groups over the internet, according to a report by The Inquirer today. According to an ISO-piracy news site,, the game is available for download over various p2p networks, and gives details on how to install the cracked game. The Inquirer: Doom 3 leaked […]

Doom 3 rocks to a high spec

My copy of Doom 3 arrived from Amazon yesterday and it was well worth the wait. Not a game for everyone, though. It’s 18-rated (M in the US) and maker iD Software describes it as “Doom 3 is a terrifying sci-fi horror game experience. It is not recommended for the cowardly or the faint of […]

Viral marketing ‘backfire’

The Register reported yesterday on a marketing campaign to promote the latest version of the Resident Evil PlayStation 2 game which provoked a panic about the spread of a non-existent mobile phone virus. Phone users have received unsolicited SMS text messages on their mobile phones telling them they are infected by the so-called T-Virus. The […]

Fake blogs, true buzz

The Chicago Tribune reported this weekend on how phony messages and hoax campaigns on the internet have gained acceptance as a marketing promotional tool with a goal of drawing attention to new product offerings. The paper quotes the example of a video-game tester named Beta-7. When he began suffering from blackouts and uncontrollable fits of […]