Wayne Hurlbert at Blog Business World is hosting this week’s Carnival of the Capitalists, the weekly aggregation of links to posts by a wide range of different bloggers that provides a unique focus on them for further developing conversations. For this week’s carnival, Wayne has assembled an enormous quantity of links – 71 posts spread […]
Category: Leadership
Let the IABC conference blogging begin!
Probably the best professional development and networking event for business communicators, anywhere in the world, begins tomorrow 26 June in Washington, DC. It’s the IABC international conference, the annual get-together for hundreds of communicators from around the world. This year’s 4-day event is special from two perspectives – first, it’s IABC’s 35th anniversary year; and […]
Ballmer interview turns communication upside down
Watching Robert Scoble’s video interview with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is the confirmation for me that formal, pre-planned and carefully-controlled organizational communication has now reached an evolutionary end point. Traditionally, planning and managing communication in organizations is a function managed by people skilled in particular areas of communication (corporate, marketing, PR, investor, internal, etc). So […]
GM’s advice to would-be corporate bloggers
To any senior executive on the fence about starting a corporate blog, Bob Lutz, the Vice Chairman of General Motors, has one word of advice: Jump. Writing in Information Week, Lutz says a blog provides no better opportunity to engage in an open dialogue and exchange of ideas with customers and potential customers, illustrating his […]
Senior executive bloggers make the case for blogging
One of the most well-researched and -written feature articles I’ve seen in mainstream media about executive blogging is published in the 25 July issue of US News & World Report. Entitled Blogging Bosses, the 5-page feature on the website studies senior executives in US organizations with analysis and discussion on why they blog, the effects […]
Smart companies stimulate disruptive thinking
How do large companies continue to innovate and respond rapidly to new opportunities as if they were start-ups, asks the Financial Times? By developing a corporate culture in which innovative opportunities are spotted, nurtured and championed in an entrepreneurial manner, the paper says. In short, a culture that is "intrapreneurial". In a lengthy feature, the […]
IBM starts investor-focused podcasts
Reuters: IBM is the latest major company to embrace podcasting. […] The world’s largest computer company said on Friday it plans to introduce a series of occasional podcasts on its investor relations site as part of a broader effort to communicate directly to its investors and the wider public about hot topics. This is a […]
Interview: Jeff De Cagna, Principled Innovation – August 5, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel and Neville enjoyed a 55-minute conversation with Jeff De Cagna, founder of Principled Innovation LLC. Topics and themes discussed include: the challenges for volunteers and staff of association; reducing governance in associations; advocacy and taking stands on issues; the dead strategic planning model and what […]
Blog network aids graduate recruitment
Reading a review of corporate blogs in the Financial Times the other day, I spotted a new gem mentioned in the feature – a series of blogs set up by Cadbury Schweppes in the UK as part of its graduate recruitment activities. From Cadbury’s press release: Cadbury Schweppes, the world’s largest confectionery company, has opened […]
FIR Speakers and Speeches: October 26, 2005 – CPRF Critical Issues Forum
In our second special audio file, we offer up a panel discussion presented on Wednesday, October 26, 2005, in New York City, hosted by the Council of Public Relations Firms at its Critical Issues Forum 2005. The panel was titled, “Straddling the Fault in a Shifting Media Landscape: New Roles for PR.” CPRF described the […]
The characteristics of a great employer
A terrific feature in the Financial Times on what makes a company a consistently great employer uses US companies such as AG Edwards, Goldman Sachs, Nordstrom, SC Johnson, Whole Foods Market, Cisco Systems and Microsoft as their classic examples of such great employers. And what makes a great employer? With frequent reference to Built to […]
The road to transparency at Davos
The 2006 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum begins today in Davos, Switzerland. The organizers say there will be 2,340 participants from 89 countries including 15 heads of state or government, 13 union leaders and over 30 heads of non-governmental organizations. This year, 735 participants are at the CEO or Chairman level. What makes […]
Choice podcasts from Davos
I’ve spent a little time today listening to a few of the audio recordings from the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Interesting listening, many of them, even though they are recordings of speeches and sessions which you can read about in mainstream media reporting. The really interesting ones, though, are the informal and […]
Engaging podcasts from IBM
I’ve been subscribed to IBM’s investor relations podcast series "IBM and The Future of…" since IBM started this series last August. Eleven podcasts so far, each one providing a worthwhile learning experience on wide-ranging topics relating to society, business and technology. The latest one, IBM and The Future of Privacy, is a great example of […]
Imagine if Chevron had used a blog instead
Listening this morning to a BBC World Service radio interview with Peter Robertson, vice-chairman of the Chevron oil company, I was struck in particular by his commentary about a website where the public can join Chevron in an online discussion about the future of energy. Overall, I found it a fascinating interview, with its discussion […]