Amazon delivers with Star Wars DVD

As always, delivers (pun intended) and exceeds expectations. This morning, I received delivery of the Star Wars DVD box set. That’s great in itself (so no guesses on what I’m going to be spending time on tonight, no matter what!) My expectation was exceeded primarily because the package arrived much earlier than I expected. […]

Time is no luxury for communicators

For everyone involved in organizational communication – be that PR, marketing communication, investor relations, employee communication or public affairs – one of the luxuries I see so many continuing to delude themselves with is that they have plenty of time to strategize, formulate, execute and measure as they progress their work in the traditional way […]

Oracle getting closer to winning PeopleSoft

Last Friday’s firing of PeopleSoft CEO Craig Conway by his company’s board could speed up the what looks like an inevitable outcome in the long-running battle Oracle has waged to acquire PeopleSoft. Conway’s departure as a result of action by his own board looks like good news for Oracle. Many commentators and industry observers are […]

US PR association ignores blogging

If professional associations that represent communicators still don’t get it, it’s hardly surprising that there continue to be so many heads in the sand regarding blogging and other ‘new’ technologies that are of direct relevance to organizational communication. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) – the world’s largest professional organization for PR practitioners, according […]

New knowledge portal for communicators launched launched this week as the first global knowledge-sharing portal aimed at improving organizational and human communication. The site is being built and supported by global communication leaders, associations, schools and businesses linked to the common goals of elevating the profession and sharing best practices that can make all forms of communication more effective. The […]

PRSA and IABC: Exercise leadership

Earlier this week, I posted commentary about the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) ignoring blogging. My post referenced commentary from the Business Blog Consulting blog which said that, in the forthcoming PRSA conference that takes place later this month, blogging doesn’t get a mention anywhere. What’s been happening since I posted my commentary is […]

The world of cultured messages

Just been reading a thought-provoking post by Evelyn Rodriguez on her Crossroads Dispatches blog. Core concept: The compartmentalization of business and “the rest of life” is breaking down. How we treat acquaintenances, family, friends, and colleagues can’t be night-and-day different from how we’d treat prospective or current customers. Yes, this seems entirely obvious. But the […]

Fake blogs, true buzz

The Chicago Tribune reported this weekend on how phony messages and hoax campaigns on the internet have gained acceptance as a marketing promotional tool with a goal of drawing attention to new product offerings. The paper quotes the example of a video-game tester named Beta-7. When he began suffering from blackouts and uncontrollable fits of […]

Two-way blogs and moderated conversations

When Richard Edelman, CEO of the Edelman PR agency, launched his blog in late September, he was welcomed enthusiastically by the PR blogging community. Two weeks on and after Edelman’s second post – he’s committed to posting once a week – some bloggers are a bit twitchy about how he’s blogging and how commenting is […]

Conversation is a two-way street

More on two-way blogs and moderated conversations, from Tom Murphy at PR Opinions: Conversation is a two way street.You don’t see companies promoting customer service phone numbers and then not employing anyone to answer the phone (those annoying automated customer service systems at least answer the call). If you’re establishing a blog, you are doing […]

Branson on business and branding

Virgin boss Richard Branson on business and branding as told to Fast Company: Branson on business – Profits are a by-product. “The bottom line has never been a reason for doing anything. It’s much more the satisfaction of creating things that you’re proud of and making a difference.” When you screw up, fess up. “The […]