A Real music battle

Real Networks mounts a big challenge to Apple’s iTunes in an effort to win market share at Apple’s expense, according to a BBC News report yesterday: BBC NEWS | Business | Real in online music price war Then, one post by Steve Rubel on his Micro Persuasion blog reported that Real had set up a […]

Windows Media Player 10: Very nice!

Just installed Windows Media Player 10, released by Microsoft today. For Windows XP only. First impressions: Easy install, very easy to set up (takes already-configured options from Media Player 9, if you had that installed), fresh and updated look, seems to load faster than MP 9. The presentation of various features is very different to […]

Windows Media Player 10 ditched

Windows Media Player 10 drives me nuts. So I’ve uninstalled it and rolled back to Windows Media Player 9. I don’t have anything against MP 10 per se. Indeed, when it came out I wrote a positive post about it. It’s a good evolution of the player with lots of additional and improved functionality to […]

Podcasting defined

Scoble’s linkblog points to a good definition of podcasting from Wikipedia: Podcasting is the creation and aggregation of discrete, downloadable media files. Typically, audio files are created on a computer and then uploaded to a web server on the Internet. An RSS 2.0 feed with enclosure tags is then amended each time a new media […]

iPod your Saab

Engadget: Word is out that Saab is going to be the next automaker to offer a factory-installed iPod adapter as an option on some of its models, including the 9-3 saloon. Engadget quotes a Mac Network News report that the setup will allow drivers to control their music using steering-wheel-mounted controls, similar to the system […]

Easy podcast tag editing

If you do podcasting on a Windows PC, you’ll find AudioShell extremely useful. AudioShell is a freeware Windows Explorer shell extension plugin which allows you to view and edit music file tags directly in Windows Explorer. It adds tag editor and viewer tabs to the properties page of music files. You can edit tags file […]

The judgment of Michael Jackson

BBC News: Michael Jackson’s latest greatest hits album has sold just 8,000 copies in the US in its first week of release, reaching number 128 in the chart. The Essential Michael Jackson is the star’s first release since he was cleared of child abuse a month ago. […] Jackson faces a struggle to repair his […]